Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

General information

All orders are subject to product availability. If an item in your order is unavailable, we will ship you the part of your order that is available. When that item becomes available, we will ship you the rest of your order. 
Shipping costs are based on the weight of the items you order and your location, but currently.
The date of delivery for your order may vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location, a method of delivery and the number of items ordered, and in addition, your order may be delivered in separate shipments. Additional shipping charges may apply depending on your location and the size of your order.
You are responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of your order, including sales tax, value added tax, customs duties, and excise duties.
If there is any damage to the items that you ordered on delivery, you must contact us within 5 days from receipt of your order.

Every product available everywhere in the World.
The typical normal delivery time of 8 days to 25 days, depending on the place on the order, depending on the geographical location.

You can keep track of your package with your tracking code.
Shipping and tracking information will be emailed to you after ordering.
Dear Customers,
The down list of products:
Underwear, Swimwear, Socks, Stockings, Cosmetics and Beauty, Lingerie, Face Masks and Hygiene products should be not back delivery or replaced and not refundable for any hygienic reasons. Please understand and don't send them back.
Please contact us in case of quality complaints.
In case of a warranty error, please contact the customer service.


Thank you for your trust, understand and cooperation.

The Dromedar Shop Team